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  1. R

    Kid is 7 and starting to stink

    @onewithfaith Drink more water, adjust diet, shower nightly. That solves 95% of it for kids.
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    Daughter broke up with her boyfriend of 4 years & it’s like I’m going through a breakup.

    @sylvie Be thankful you raised such a mature daughter. Support her. The guy sounds like he presented well but was actually a snake. Edit: eww. I just read that they’re still going on their trip together. That boy wants his cake and to eat it too! I’d pay my daughter whatever the trip...
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    Being a SAHM when you’re sick is impossibly hard

    @iampaul24 Seems like a good reason for hubby to take a sick day. Bluey and Legos only buy you so much time.
  4. R

    God I hate my 5 year old right now

    @slpspinner4 ☝️