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    Is it me or do y’all wish y’all kid(s) didn’t like y’all’s food sometimes?

    @katrina2017 My youngest sister is 21 next month. She's always eaten spicy food, and now she uses it as a party trick. When she was 2 or 3, she grabbed a bowl of salsa off the table and drank it down before anyone could stop her. She still goes hard when we get wings, too.
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    What do y’all do when your wife is away on a business trip and you’ve got all three kids 24/7?

    @ajewelinhiscrown I've only got two kids, but bedtime is so much easier for me when my wife is out of the house. The kids do bedtime with her just fine but they stretch it out. When I try to do bedtime while my wife is home, they fight me on everything and tend to go to bed without a story...
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    Is it me or do y’all wish y’all kid(s) didn’t like y’all’s food sometimes?

    @jeromiusintoonesimus That's what hot sauce is for. My kids don't ask me for my food anymore.