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  1. N

    Egg allergy that gets worse before it gets better?

    @xvcxcewer Our allergist gave us a recipe to follow so I had to bake like a bajillion cupcakes over a 90-day period. Like I said, towards the end I switched to donuts for some variety but made sure the ratios were the same. I’m also perplexed as to why your doctor is reticent to retry the...
  2. N

    Egg allergy that gets worse before it gets better?

    @wrb That was the recommendation for my daughter. She tested at 43 (the allergist literally wrote on the printed results “Very high!”), but when she was 2.5 years old the levels came down to about 11, at which point the allergist recommended we do an egg ladder of baked goods. She got 1/4 of a...