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    How do bring up timelines with your husband?

    @sashakasha I’m not afraid to talk about it. We often talk about the future, kids, etc. I simply asked for ways to approach the subject that encourages setting more of a timeline without me saying “hey, I need you to give me a date, time and place that we can start TTC”. I’m sorry if a simple...
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    How do bring up timelines with your husband?

    @hughestimo We’ve always said that we wanted to be in our late twenties before TTC, so ‘technically’ we are currently in our late twenties now. And we’ve always just openly spoken about the future and ‘when’ we have kids. I just went back on hormonal birth control to try and calm some endo...
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    How do bring up timelines with your husband?

    @seanjm I totally agree! We both were very adamant about being in therapy before being even close to TTC, especially because of me having endo damage that makes it more likely that I will have miscarriage(s) and/or fertility struggles. I have had one miscarriage, years ago, that I think really...
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    How do bring up timelines with your husband?

    @debbie007 That is a good plan. We’ve kind of talked about end of this year, beginning of next, since I graduate next May, but it hasn’t become a legit plan. My hard ‘no more waiting’ thing is if I need another endo surgery, and my husband has agreed with that at least.
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    How do bring up timelines with your husband?

    I feel like I am ALWAYS currently talking about babies or things relating to them. We are both 26, and I have 1 year left of school before I get my bachelors degree. Our only debt currently is my ~$4,000 in student loans, and we have money set aside for a house down payment when the market gets...