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  1. J

    I’m a new dad as of 2.5 weeks ago and can’t say I’m all that excited. Is something wrong with me??

    @braum Re: "before you know it. " No. Let's be honest. It will seem like an endless slog during which you will lament to the gods "isn't this supposed to be wonderful? Where the hell is the fun??? I WAS PROMISED JOY, DAMMIT!!!" until you get to the other side. But slog through you can, just...
  2. J

    I’m a new dad as of 2.5 weeks ago and can’t say I’m all that excited. Is something wrong with me??

    @mikeg2012 I'm convinced that the first 2 months are evolutionarily designed to make the new parents forget everything else in their lives and just focus on keeping that crying poop machine silent at all costs. It worked perfectly all 3 times on my wife and me.