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  1. S

    GD Diagnosis

    @yytg12 I honestly could cry thank you so much for recognizing and validating this for me and for your guidance.You're a beautiful soul! thanks so much again! ❤️
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    GD Diagnosis

    @yytg12 Thank you for this suggestion!
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    GD Diagnosis

    @tinashires Thank you so much for sharing this and congratulations on your beautiful and healthy baby! I needed this reassurance ❤️
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    GD Diagnosis

    Hello! Has anyone here been diagnosed with gestational diabetes early into their pregnancy? I'm 13 weeks 4 days with my first pregnancy and I just got diagnosed today. For reference I'm 33 y/o, 5'5 and weigh 322 lbs (according to last check up) with PCOS. I guess my questions are: were you able...