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  1. M

    Why should I not let my baby “use me as a human pacifier”

    @justoounes Maybe sounds dumb (ftm to a 3 wk old here lol) but what's the alternative to nurse to sleep? That's how we've been getting our baby to sleep when we go to bed (around a two hr feeding schedule) and I never thought to just put her to bed "without" !! I'm going back to work at 4...
  2. M

    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @mogulmama Tell your FIL that if he cannot respect you and your child he doesn't need to be a part of his life. Seriously. Not joking. When my sister was pregnant with her first, she gained weight (obviously... You have a little human in there!). Our grandmother who is now dead used to be a...
  3. M

    How do you baby wear during the summer?

    @the_creation_center Oof last summer was rough (I have a September baby but where I live on the West Coast it's still hot until November lol 😪) Especially because we used the stretchy wraps exclusively since she was so tiny. I have a very thin stretchy wrap that I was hoping would be better...