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    TIC because I finally finished my master’s w/ a 4.0

    @yoly Congratulations! This is so uplifting/motivating. I'm due to finish my master's with about two months left in my pregnancy (a little over four months to go on my degree), and I can't wait to actually have time to prep for baby! Currently also have a 4.0, hoping to keep it up to the end! So...
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    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    @klad I actually limit my meat intake for both that and environmental reasons, and when I do eat meat, it's typically chicken. So yeah, no shocker on that one.
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    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    @bucj My understanding is that receipt paper is particularly egregious in terms of shedding BPA (think about how your fingers sometimes feel slimy and/or turn black if you've been handling lots of receipts). So I doubt that hard plastic items shed as much, if any BPA through normal contact...
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    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    @bht Very true. I'm not going to ban receipts from my home, but I'm definitely not going to let the kids play with them anymore. And carseat safety is something I do NOT mess around with (I also drive like a grandma lol!). I shared the article so others can make informed decisions for their...
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    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    @bht From the article I linked: In other words, BPA that is absorbed may be much worse than that which is eaten/drunk. Edit to add: Your blog post was literally written by the BPA industry. Of course they found there to be little harm! From the "About Us" on that page:
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    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    @valarielynn They're crinkly. My daughter loved crinkly. Not something I would give her to play with for the other reasons you listed, but grandpa clearly didn't have the same reservations.
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    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    @ramsby194 I getcha, no offense taken. It does seem like every other week it's something new. I probably wouldn't have reacted so strongly to this news initially if it weren't for the fact my daughter spent age 1-2 playing with receipts at least weekly thanks to her grandfather giving them to...
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    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    According to the attached study, cash register receipts (aka thermal paper receipts) are some of the biggest exposures humans have to BPA chemicals, specifically in forms that are disruptive to health. I'm horrified, because grandpa (who acts as our daycare) would let our daughter play with...