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  1. J

    I wOn'T dO tHaT wHeN I HaVe KiDs

    @akags Thank you for this! I absolutely agree with you. I believe I’ve started to understand my parents more and I’ve started to see why they did what they did. My parents were pretty great parents but I remember as a child/teen and even as a young adult being upset about their choices and not...
  2. J

    I wOn'T dO tHaT wHeN I HaVe KiDs

    @enoch27 Oooooo. I have friends with no kids saying “I’m going to just bring my kid out with me for every occasion. They can entertain themselves.” HAHAHA OKAYYY. The best “they can nap in the stroller and car seat” haha you are ASSUMING they LET YOU. I hate it so much. Sometimes I honestly...