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  1. S

    How long of sleep stretches are you actually getting?

    @whalefood Ahhhh interesting. I’m glad I’m not alone. My guy was also 16 days late so his regression started at 3.5 months. I remember the day it hit and it was like wwwtttfff 😰 10 weeks later (not 2-6 weeks for us 😝) it got better and I thought we were over the hump…but I guess not… 😓 if you...
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    False starts and cosleeping!!

    @robwebb That’s another post in itself 😂 I’m finding it super hard to create a consistent bedtime with this transition. It’s tough to squeeze in 3 naps cause he is staying awake longer but sometimes his naps are still short so bedtime ends up being 10pm. Then on those nights he sleeps in until...
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    False starts and cosleeping!!

    @robwebb Thank you. Good to know I’m not alone 💛 He is also in the 3-2 nap transition so that could have something to do with as well. It’s always something 🫠🫠🫠.
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    How long of sleep stretches are you actually getting?

    @jmssmith317 Totally but I am in his sight, literally cuddling him, and he still starts crying unless he gets the boob. I guess he forgets where he is when he wakes up? Lol 😂
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    How long of sleep stretches are you actually getting?

    Hello! My LO is 7 months and wakes every sleep cycle for boob. If he doesn’t get it, he cries. The odd time I will pick him up and rock him back to sleep. Either way, I’m exhausted and even with cosleeping I’m hardly getting any sleep. It was like this since his 4 month regression for about 10...
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    False starts and cosleeping!!

    @paultheplatypus That definitely sounds like what I’m doing right now except hoping each night it won’t happen lol so the mindset shift sounds helpful and should just embrace/expect it 🫠 Thank you!
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    False starts and cosleeping!!

    Hey y’all! We’ve been cosleeping since baby refused the bassinet at 2 months old. Sleep has never been amazing but when LO’s 4 month regression hit it was brutal and we went from 2-4 wakings per night to hourly wakings for 10+ weeks. He’s almost 7 months old and since about the 6 months mark...