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  1. C

    Co parenting / introducing to partner

    @vidacek1234 I think of it as not introducing someone to the kids lives that you may have to take away. So making sure that your relationship is solid, and going to be LTR is important first. Also, give the children enough time to adjust to Mum and Dad not being together - so the kids will...
  2. C

    Would this make you uncomfortable?

    @believingvessel Maybe because this is the first time your daughter is meeting the GF’s family she wanted to have someone familiar around (your parents)? Perhaps you would also have been invited but they felt uncomfortable introducing you to his GF’s parents? I get along with my ex’s parents...
  3. C

    My children's father and court

    @act456 Well I can understand how that will benefit him. But it isn’t like that’s something that has changed since the CO was created. And it isn’t your fault that this is the case either. Maybe see if you can send a message through the parent portal to try and get to the co-parent class...
  4. C

    My children's father and court

    @act456 Do you have any texts showing that you tried to get the co-parenting classes and he said no? I think the court will see that if he hasn’t upheld his end of the deal, then speaking nicely on the portal won’t change the fact he isn’t doing what he is supposed to. Make sure your...
  5. C

    My children's father and court

    @act456 I’m sorry that you have had to go through all of that. It sounds like a huge headache and a massive strain on you. If his communication through the parenting portal is much better, then stick with it. That’s why these apps were created. He is now forced to think about what he is saying...