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  1. C

    Your unconventional schedules and scheduling “hacks”

    @tracy777 Dinner at 5pm then straight to the local school to hang outside with neighborhood families at the playground until bed. We do this almost every day.
  2. C

    When do you have appointments for yourself??

    @barry61 Babysitter.
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    baby slept 11-12 hours straight, up until 12 months, now wakes up once every night crying

    @minilla I’d say to go back to two naps. That’s the schedule my three year old is on, 12 months is super early to do one nap. Try shortening the first nap to one hour so there’s sleep pressure for the second nap. Walking at night could be overtired. I assume you’re feeding if babe wakes overnight.
  4. C

    Preschool options with new baby on the way

    @lynq I’d definitely do the closer daycare, the full days will be nice so you get some bonding time with the new baby. An hour is a lot of car time if your babe hates the car like my second child does!
  5. C

    "Cry it out" is not a well-defined term

    @trekdad99 This was my experience as well.
  6. C

    SAHP - what is your child duty split during off-hours?

    @freeinchrist1611 50/50 once my partner is home from work and all weekends. He probably has them more than me on weeknights and they’re quite little still. We both try to get some downtime on the weekend but it’s usually equal.