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  1. S

    How did my mom do it

    @j2019 While you may have had a lovely childhood, one factor might be that statistically our parents’ generation didn’t spend very much time playing with their kids. You may have been one of the lucky ones but on average - working moms - even compared to stay at home moms hang out with their...
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    Setting up a routine isn’t a priority right now

    @terrastorm I will tell you and it sounds insane but my child was a total mess for about 8-9 months. She slept almost never and fed/ate whenever she wanted and generally hated all things. I kept up the routine to keep myself sane rather than her, and one day it clicked with her. Still very much...
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    Confused about sleep and formula

    @nader1 I formula fed and she never ever slept.
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    What’s your worst part of being a one and done parent?

    @mercuryash We’re not young parents and it’s thinking that she might only have us and then we’ll die.
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    Tired of “words I can’t pronounce”

    @genxjeff zeaxanthin That’s in a lemon 🍋
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    Waiting for the right time..

    @badone I had my babe at 40. If I could do it again I would have kids when my parents were young enough to be a big help even if they lived far away and it was only every few months. My parents can help watch her a little at 75/78 but they can’t really lift her up the stairs or carry her for 15...
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    Hi y’all, is anyone one and done due to health? I’m falling apart postpartum

    @laurencesantos I’m 18mo post partum and I am on my 27th month of pregnancy-like nausea. From 230pm everyday I sip ginger ale and hope I don’t puke on my kid when she gets home.
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    Waiting for the right time..

    @jemmace First one is jumping in head first - all subsequent is just like - I’m already in the water drowning might as well be drowning with more children.