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  1. F

    Facetiming a 1 year old

    @storieman 30 minutes seems like a lot for such a young one, especially when they express distress. Our therapist said that the courts only mandate one 5-minute call a day, but we generally aim for two or even more if we’re having a quiet day. Five minutes is plenty for our 10 month old.
  2. F

    Facetiming a 1 year old

    @maximum212 THIS. Sometimes it’s just about control and almost feels like harassment. My son’s father tried to insist that we FaceTime with him every 3 hours on the weekends. He would accuse me of “keeping his son from him” just because we were out running errands or I was busy in another room...
  3. F

    Is it sensible going back to part time work 2 weeks after a C-Section

    @pattimayo I had a vaginal delivery with vacuum extraction and second degree tears. I was just barely walking at about one week. I’m sure a cesarían is worse. Do yourself a favor—plan to take as much time off as possible.