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  1. F

    Co Sleeping w/o Judgment?

    @greykell First of all hopefully the bedside bassinet will be a good solution for you. Our 4 week old son does well in his about 90% of the time. However there is that other 10% where he gets too fussy or needy and out of frustration I end up pulling him into bed with me. To be honest, about...
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    No body told me that at 6 months old my baby would go from potato to x games mode

    @monsieurhauddennifels Oh my gosh super relatable. My LO is 5.5 months. Up until about a week ago, I could pull him into bed with me for some half-awake morning snuggles where I could make up for any overnight missed sleep. Now he’s rolling and he’s suddenly turned into a one man circus...
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    Pregnancy pillows are overrated

    @hoop I feel like mine is effective about 50% of the time. The other 50%, I have to go sleep on the couch.
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    Guidance for limits in roaming privileges for a ten year old? Does my break-down of limits align with development?

    @notloveisnotjesus This is way too long for any normal person to read. I skimmed and got the gist. Summer is not that long, it sounds like she has some lovely plans for herself. Why don’t you try chatting with her each evening or morning to see what she’s planning for the day ahead and take it...
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    Facetiming a 1 year old

    @storieman 30 minutes seems like a lot for such a young one, especially when they express distress. Our therapist said that the courts only mandate one 5-minute call a day, but we generally aim for two or even more if we’re having a quiet day. Five minutes is plenty for our 10 month old.
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    Facetiming a 1 year old

    @maximum212 THIS. Sometimes it’s just about control and almost feels like harassment. My son’s father tried to insist that we FaceTime with him every 3 hours on the weekends. He would accuse me of “keeping his son from him” just because we were out running errands or I was busy in another room...
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    Is it sensible going back to part time work 2 weeks after a C-Section

    @pattimayo I had a vaginal delivery with vacuum extraction and second degree tears. I was just barely walking at about one week. I’m sure a cesarían is worse. Do yourself a favor—plan to take as much time off as possible.