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    My 3 yr son's teacher sent home this note, and it's crazy

    @dylanrowe1 It's daycare ffs. Your kid's teacher's punctuation or lack thereof is not going to magically rub off on him. Also, this could be text-to-speech, or it could be a deliberately-chosen informal register. More to the point, are you gatekeeping general intelligence with language style...
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    8 year old son showering under who’s f***ing supervision?

    @dipuhuman First up, if an 8yo needs supervising in the shower, you're doing it wrong. Second: she's your ex. You don't get a say in who she's with, and you have to respect her judgement in parenting her son when she's got him. If her partner is family as far as she's concerned, then that's...
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    Learning to like foods - I wish I'd thought of this!

    My kid was a picky eater when he was young; he outgrew it thankfully, but getting him to even give different foods a chance used to be a real c h a l l e n g e. Anyway, I recently happened on this video from Tom Scott, who produces the always-interesting Things You Might Not Know. In it, he...