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  1. K

    Why are pregnancy clothes hideous?

    @linlee You might get lucky! I made it through my pregnancy without needing any maternity clothes until the last few weeks - by then it was winter and I work from home so leggings and hoodies were all I needed. Wrap dresses, loose flowy dresses and oversized shirts with leggings went a long...
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    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @mogulmama Is your FIL under the impression he has some legal right to time with this child? Because he’s sure acting like not seeing the kid isn’t an option. I don’t think I’d have my baby around someone who treats me this way - family or not. The behaviour they see is the behaviour they learn...
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    Pediatrician says I’m nursing my 4 week old too often - not sure what to do

    @christopher000 I had a nurse tell me the same thing around 4-5 weeks old. I tried to space out her feedings as recommended and all I ended up with was an incredibly angry and hungry baby and a very very stressed out few days! It was a disaster! Keep feeding your baby! My girl seemed to...
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    How to respond to the people who say “WeLl CaN’t YoU jUsT wOrK fRoM hOmE?”

    @mahyrah I WFH and honestly I find it offensive that if people imply that I’d be able to add caring for an infant on top of it. I’m an engineer and I work damn hard and need to be completely focused. I barely have time to feed myself while I’m working let alone be responsible for a full baby...
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    Guys my mother is possibly the worst person in my life

    @higherawarenessjr Arrrggghhh I have second-hand rage for you 😂 I just had a baby and literally anything I say is met with a comparison to how it was for her (and of course… it was worse for her!) I’ve found the easiest thing to do is just give very very little in conversation. It doesn’t make...
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    Guys my mother is possibly the worst person in my life

    @higherawarenessjr I don’t think it’s that they forget… it’s like Main Character Syndrome. I deal with the same and it feels like there’s just no ability to view any situation without seeing herself as the centre of it all. I’m sorry you also have to deal with it - it’s not easy.
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    “JuSt wAiT tiLl tHe bAby gEtS hErE”

    @evanlooksuptothealmighty So many things have sucked about being pregnant - and honestly, one of those things has been realising how much other parents enjoy being assholes to pregnant women. I started responding with ‘well… you seemed to figure it out so I’m sure I will, too’. Take your ego...