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  1. D

    I’m torn abt whether or not to cloth full time

    @ngarciaiii Yeah I’ve had to use bleach to sanitize twice in the past 3 months & had to strip… but most of them hadn’t been stripped ever or in more than 6 months so it was probably time anyway. Everyone acts like they don’t know how cloth works. I even have all in ones too but they do all...
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    I’m torn abt whether or not to cloth full time

    @wren84 I’ve used the same diapers through two kids & for this baby she was exclusively clothed for several months. We buy the Aldi disposables so it’s about $12 every other month. We were gifted some new shells and inserts last Christmas and I got a lot more when she was born. If I choose to...
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    I’m torn abt whether or not to cloth full time

    @wren84 Also the washers I’m talking about are $150. It would help us bc we wouldn’t have to wait to use the communal washer for other clothes too. It wouldn’t be JUST for diapers.
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    I’m torn abt whether or not to cloth full time

    @cclun The wash thing has been difficult just bc we have other clothes and we share. I’m probably going to invest in one of those smaller portable machines. I know some ppl who use them with cloth and they work great. My motivations are: I think cloth is more comfortable for the baby, it’s...
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    I’m torn abt whether or not to cloth full time

    @andybrooks I’m thinking of spending the $150 to get one of those smaller portable washer/spin dry combos for just our clothes & diaps upstairs
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    I’m torn abt whether or not to cloth full time

    @katrina2017 Yes it is but tbh I don’t think I’d get much help otherwise as husband is at work roughly 50-60hrs a week
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    I’m torn abt whether or not to cloth full time

    @katrina2017 I do Instacart two nights a week when he’s off work so those are the only times he has them alone. So we’re buying like $12 packs from Aldi about once every 2 months
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    I’m torn abt whether or not to cloth full time

    @anglic9823 She has solid poo, rly easy to clean and I can probably get a medium size load w/3-4 full days so I’m going to try to make my schedule around that
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    I’m torn abt whether or not to cloth full time

    Kind of a rant, kind of a “what would you do?” I did cloth with my older child from 7 months old when I discovered it until almost 3 when she grew out of them. She’s autistic and has been in pull ups since, turning 6 in a couple weeks. I’ve been back and forth on that one bc buying big...