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    Co sleeping isn’t working. Nothing is working

    @live4christ2016 Our routine throughout the day is: wake, eat, play, sleep. And I do a smaller bottle right before bed. He’s sleepy at night, but still wakes often and needs to be rocked back to sleep.
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    Safe Sleep 7 says formula fed babies shouldn’t co-sleep/bed-share. Do you?

    @hope2012 Coincidentally, my husband also has epilepsy and cannot take night shifts or bed share for the same exact reason!
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    Co sleeping isn’t working. Nothing is working

    @rollo22 Our routine throughout the day is: wake, eat, play, sleep. But the last few weeks I have been topping him off with half of a bottle before bed. I thought maybe it was working at first, but a week later and it’s back to waking up.
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    Safe Sleep 7 says formula fed babies shouldn’t co-sleep/bed-share. Do you?

    @bobross Yes, definitely looking for other options, thank you so much for the info! I’m going to look into it right away.
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    Co sleeping isn’t working. Nothing is working

    @sifiso I tried really hard to breast feed but he had a bad latch and after 5 weeks of struggling, my supply dried up.
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    Safe Sleep 7 says formula fed babies shouldn’t co-sleep/bed-share. Do you?

    @dcouchotvore Getting him down isn’t the problem. He’ll go down quietly in his bassinet. It’s the waking up every 20 minutes after that was killing me. He seems to stay asleep, at least 20-40 minutes longer if he’s next to me when he stirs awake.
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    Co sleeping isn’t working. Nothing is working

    @cyruse We have just enough money to pay the bills but none extra to buy anything new or hire help, unfortunately.
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    Safe Sleep 7 says formula fed babies shouldn’t co-sleep/bed-share. Do you?

    @kaylalala Our 2 month appointment was yesterday and er were just told to get the Snoo which we can’t afford, so not helpful!
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    Safe Sleep 7 says formula fed babies shouldn’t co-sleep/bed-share. Do you?

    @kaylalala We have our 2 month appointment coming up this week but we have talked to a few pediatric nurses and doctors about our situation already. We have Kaiser and I have called the advice line so many times seeking any kind of help to solve our problem (other than bed sharing) and the only...
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    Co sleeping isn’t working. Nothing is working

    @jonny1001 Sorry, he’s 11 weeks old.
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    Safe Sleep 7 says formula fed babies shouldn’t co-sleep/bed-share. Do you?

    @kaylalala Thank you for your empathy. We contact nap all day long. I wear him in a sling and it hasn’t helped him sleep deeper at night, at least independently. We don’t have any retired or stay at home family members who live close enough to help more than a day a week. But thank you for...
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    Sleep consultants can FUCK. RIGHT. OFF. (Part 2 - The follow up)

    @cupoftea So glad you posted a positive update! Happy that you guys are back on track.
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    Co sleeping isn’t working. Nothing is working

    @rollo22 He definitely has reflux, but he’s on Pepcid for it and a special formula. He doesn’t have symptoms anymore because we manage it. That’s why I was sleeping kangaroo style with him and that worked for a week and now suddenly he absolutely will not sleep that way.
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    Safe Sleep 7 says formula fed babies shouldn’t co-sleep/bed-share. Do you?

    @rawrightx Backstreet Boys! Awful, but kinda funny, sorry! I heard phantom cries in the shower or when I was trying to nap and someone else had the baby, and I would hear patterned noises or distant tunes in the white noise machine. I hated it.
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    Co sleeping isn’t working. Nothing is working

    @juliand I finally resorted to sleeping with him like that and it worked for a week and now suddenly he just doesn’t want to sleep like that anymore. He was giving me 3.5-4.5 hour sleeps at night, and then he pulled the rug out from under me and said PSYCH! I have never heard of a cranial...
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    Safe Sleep 7 says formula fed babies shouldn’t co-sleep/bed-share. Do you?

    @rawrightx Yup! I was for sure having auditory hallucinations from the continuous sleep deprivation. Scary.
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    Safe Sleep 7 says formula fed babies shouldn’t co-sleep/bed-share. Do you?

    @ady2015 Right! So far the few who have commented that they would never have yet to respond to my request for an alternative solution. Because what was going on seemed much riskier to me than what we’re doing now. I had to pick my poison and choose from the options available to me.
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    Co sleeping isn’t working. Nothing is working

    @wren84 Yes to all of it. I added more info to the post, thanks for helping me realize that I did indeed leave it all out.
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    Safe Sleep 7 says formula fed babies shouldn’t co-sleep/bed-share. Do you?

    @kowon My husband can only help me a few hours a day because he’s working and due to a medical condition can’t do any night shifts. I’m basically on my own.
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    Co sleeping isn’t working. Nothing is working

    @wren84 We are on the 5th formula and it is hypoallergenic because the doctor thinks he has a milk protein allergy on top of the reflux.