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    Best burping methods

    @ricard We do this thing where we hold her under the armpits while supporting her head and kindof squish her up and down in a v shape and it works pretty well
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    One side or both sides per feeding?

    @willshu4food That’s adorable
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    I’m struggling to know - what’s worth swapping?

    @spiritofdiscernment And I’d say one medium sized multi use pot that isn’t nonstick if you’re slowly replacing cookwear
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    I’m struggling to know - what’s worth swapping?

    @faithfulglow Plastic that gets heated, products full of phthalates, things that can be swapped for cheaper alternatives
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    One side or both sides per feeding?

    @keke1223 Both sides and I alternate which side we start with
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    Disappointed that I couldn’t handle the pain of giving birth unmedicated

    @voice_itw Stop watching those videos, the ones of other women talking about their births.
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    Best Hygiene Products for Newborns

    @computergal I would NOT use coconut oil after baby is born.
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    Little guy is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Any last minute tips or advice?

    @mim4you I wish I’d done this, the unisom for sleep the night before. I’m on hour 10 of my induction and too uncomfortable to sleep. But of course I barely slept the night before in my own bed
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    Help me wean my baby and release guilt

    @annyfins It’s criminal that they let you labor for 5 days sister, I am so sorry ❤️
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    Lead anxiety

    @gifty Wtf USA!! What’s our problem 🤦‍♀️
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    One month old ?hates napping

    @teaspring My 5 weeker fights naps during the day, especially as the day progresses. I might catch her in a nap before noon but after? No way
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    One month old ?hates napping

    @cjs17 Omg this is EXACTLY what I’m doing, I get nothing done because getting her to sleep takes so long. Poor dear, she’s so obviously tired