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    2 positives and 3 negatives

    @joachim2 Looks the digital was a false positive. All your others are negative.
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    2 positives and 3 negatives

    @joachim2 Can you post photos of your tests to r/lineporn? When did you last have unprotected sex?
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    2nd day period sex w tampon still in, pre cum. Is plan b or EC necessary to prevent pregnancy?

    @georgiagurl01 The earliest you can ovulate is CD8, and sperm can live for 5 days. You will not get pregnant from the sex in question.
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    2 days late, panicking

    @terqiouse A normal cycle length is 21 to 35 days. If it's just a one off weird cycle, a doctor won't do much until 60-90 days without a period
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    2 days late, panicking

    @terqiouse Yes; stats are for the course of a year. You're well protected with condoms and pullout
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    2 days late, panicking

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    2 days late, panicking

    @terqiouse You aren't a robot, it's not uncommon to have an off cycle once in awhile
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    2 days late, panicking

    @terqiouse It would be unlikely to get pregnant from protected sex.
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    Took a plan b pill 5 days ago right around ovulation and now I am bleeding lightly is this my period? Period isn’t due for another 2 weeks.

    @meschke Withdrawal bleeding is one of the main side effects of Plan B. Read the leaflet for more info on side effects!
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    4 months PP

    @oort7 It's possible your urine was too deleted. Use a pink dye test after a 3-4 hour urine hold without drinking too much water
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    Is something wrong?

    @letsbereal Sorry I meant how are you tracking** A test is mostly accurate 14 days after sex and definitive 21 days after
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    Is something wrong?

    @letsbereal How are you tracking ovulation? If symptoms were related to pregnancy, a test would be positive
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    had 2 periods within 2 weeks of each other? am i pregnant?

    @bloodboughtme2 The first bleed from Plan B was likely a withdrawal bleed.
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    @kennisue You can take a test on a 3-4 hour urine hold. You can trust your negative.
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    could i be pregnant?!

    @seerly You can ovulate as soon as two weeks after a miscarriage. There's a max 30% chance in a cycle of pregnancy. A test is mostly accurate 14 days after sex and definitive 21 days after.
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    Need advice 21y/o F , implantation bleeding VS post Emergency contraceptive ( possible period?)

    @pmatshele Please reread my comment and test when appropriate.
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    Trying to conceive. Spotting 10DPO but have been on going for 7 days. Period was due 2-5 days ago. Have pregnancy symptoms

    @taryn04 This sounds like your period. You'd definitely get a positive by 14 DPO. How are you tracking ovulation? If your symptoms were related to pregnancy, a test would be positive.
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    Need advice 21y/o F , implantation bleeding VS post Emergency contraceptive ( possible period?)

    @pmatshele A test is mostly accurate 14 days after sex and definitive 21 days after. Ella can mess with your cycle.
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    Has this happened to anyone else?

    @ckinney You can post to r/lineporn and r/TFABlineporn too. I personally wouldn't be too worried, but you could also ask for a blood test?