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    @murunwa Thank you. It kept me busy instead of buying them. I have a set up that works but I still want more hah!
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    @danman02 Neat, the table may not be 100% accurate. I think I noticed on one brand I marked h/b prefolds/flat and that was meant to be fitted. I tried to proof check everything but I sometimes overlook mistakes in my own work. It was the bambinex brand. Don't think it is easy to buy here though...
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    @danman02 :)
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    @earburner No problem, it was fun gathering all the info.
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    @marlenedean Neat, I will have to check them out! My kid is a heavy wetter so he has to be super stuffed at night. If there was a trimmer option out there I am all for it.
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    @marlenedean I added the link. Thanks! I have heard good things about them, they were unfortunately out of my comfort price range :)
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    I made this post since I have seen a lot of newcomers come in with questions. When I first started cloth diapering I found it very overwhelming. The side bar does had a lot of useful tips, but there is always room for more information. I am 10 months in and still finding new brands or sites I...