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    Travel tips for 100% cloth

    @presubungi1981 I live in a super humid part of the island so anywhere is better than here! Just planning to rinse and line dry in between washes so that they don’t smell. Will use the dryer after doing a proper washing.
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    How much are you playing with your baby?

    @bassgasmask I love spying on her when she thinks she’s alone…cute to see what she does when left to her own devices.
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    Travel tips for 100% cloth

    @_ajayy_2014 Good idea to scout the bathrooms ahead of time! I’ve heard some planes have bassinets at bulkhead seats, so if we get one of those might just be able to change her in there while she’s sleeping (at home she doesn’t wake up when I change her at night).
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    Travel tips for 100% cloth

    @lifeword Thanks for the vote of confidence! Good tip on the washer tabs.
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    Travel tips for 100% cloth

    @kagenonikki Good idea for stashing cloth in the stroller! We don’t have a stroller bag though… wondering if that’s something I should try to find before we go. It’s a 2nd hand stroller so I wasn’t really worried about it getting beat up. Just EBF poops so really not bad… and she only poops a...
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    Extreme case of the night wiggles

    @hawleyray We had a grunting farter! Wish I had recorded it but it was always late and dark. It was annoying but also cute and hilarious.
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    Travel tips for 100% cloth

    I know most people recommend using disposables for travel but I’ve never used them and don’t really want to start now. I’m committed to cloth so looking for travel tips from those who have also used cloth on big trips! We live in Hawaii and are doing a mainland tour to visit family for almost 3...
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    “Cosleeping/bed-sharing creates dependent children”

    @hawk3093 Thank you that link was insightful. And study they linked to: “On the third day of the program, however, results showed that infants' physiological and behavioral responses were dissociated. They no longer expressed behavioral distress during the sleep transition but their cortisol...
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    11.5 lb baby Birth Story

    @wings777 /r/bigbabiesandkids One of us! One of us! My baby was only 9 lbs 5 oz (98th%tile) but I also had no tearing! Homebirth in the water. She was crowning for almost an hour! But I knew going slow would prevent tearing. And my body was flooded w so much oxytocin I didn’t feel any pain...
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    Hell is when your baby is peacefully asleep next to you but you’re wide awake because your husband is snoring

    @confusedbuthopeful I wear earplugs when taking naps w baby to drown out the sound of the 4 year old playing with daddy. It’s really good for blocking his high pitched voice. But I can still hear when my 4 month old makes little noises right next to me. Mommy senses tingling!
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    How do you baby wear during the summer?

    @the_creation_center I live in Hawaii. Have a linen Sakura Bloom Scout. Shaded forest hikes are the way not just bc of heat but to keep baby out of the sun. I can also hike on the beach bc it’s windy enough to stay cool, but I have to make sure baby is shaded (baby wears hat, pants and socks...
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    Fixing the bald spot!

    Does anyone else’s baby have a bald spot on the side where mommy sleeps/nurses at night? Just wanted to share because we’re seeing some success with the hair growing back on that side! Baby has slept to the left of me on our floor mattress since birth (as daddy sleeps on my right), so at night...
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    What do you class as sleeping through the night?

    @wolfgang85 Oh I’ve been plenty rested all thru the newborn stage and we are at 4 months now! I was prepared for major sleep deprivation but that was not my experience at all. In fact I’ve never taken so many naps! I still nurse or change her a couple times a night and I barely notice it.
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    What do you class as sleeping through the night?

    @muddleglum Yes we dreamfeed while cosleeping. I barely wake up and baby stays fully asleep. She slept 7 hours like this on day 2 and has been a solid sleeper since. I consider STTN as baby doesn’t move from the spot you put them, like if she doesn’t need me to get her out of bed to rock her to...
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    Am I supposed to run 3 whole washer cycles every 1-2 days for 3-8 tiny rectangles?

    @wisper I think most ppl run 2 cycles… I only do one wash cycle w extra rinse (at least while EBF), but do a very thorough hand rinse when the diaper comes off and then hang to dry in the sun between loads every 3-4 days. I don’t want to run laundry every day so I got enough flats to last half...
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    What’s a good forward facing carrier?

    @playingforthelord The ring sling I have is linen and very lightweight and cool. I live in the tropics
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    What’s a good forward facing carrier?

    @playingforthelord World facing would be very stimulating for baby in a big city, and they can’t nap in that position. So just use for short sessions when you know they won’t be sleeping. My baby loves the ring sling hip carry bc she gets a nice view, plus she can still easily nurse and nap.
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    Help me pull the trigger: Wildbird Aerial | Sakura Bloom Scout | LennyLight | Tula Lite

    @tomhanch I did go for the Scout in the end, There was a 20% off sale and I think they had free shipping to Hawaii (which can make a big difference when you live here). It was such a good deal, I know if it doesn’t work I can get back what I paid for it on the 2nd hand market. And I think the...
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    Help me pull the trigger: Wildbird Aerial | Sakura Bloom Scout | LennyLight | Tula Lite

    @rane Ooh nice i hadn’t seen this brand before. I don’t see why more carriers don’t offer the X + H option… Silk sounds amazing but out of my budget. Just noticed the SB 20% off sale ends today, eek!
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    Help me pull the trigger: Wildbird Aerial | Sakura Bloom Scout | LennyLight | Tula Lite

    @jryoung74 Thanks for sharing your experience! Yes I’m thinking the rings might be more aesthetic than functional… they are elegant tho.