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    Desperate for Help: Our 7-Year-Old Daughter is in Crisis and We're Struggling to Cope

    @outlaws4christ Thanks so much for your advice. We are doing OT and I'll look into social work and ABA. When I say they don't know, I mean that they personally haven't seen and don't know how to deal with the combination of sensitivity and anxiety that's so acute in her. One occupational...
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    Desperate for Help: Our 7-Year-Old Daughter is in Crisis and We're Struggling to Cope

    Hey Reddit, We're in a dire situation with our 7-year-old daughter and we desperately need advice and support. Over the past week, our family has been barely hanging on through her meltdowns, getting only 1 to 5 hours of sleep a night, and making 2 ER visits. She has always had high anxiety and...