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  1. L

    “No DoNt Do ThAt YoU’LL HaVe To cLeAn ThE DiApErS!!!!!!!” - half our family/friends reactions when I said we’re doing cloth

    @jathan In their instance, no. But that was unrelated to the diapers. My husband was not on board with cloth diapers until he saw the cost savings versus disposable.
  2. L

    “No DoNt Do ThAt YoU’LL HaVe To cLeAn ThE DiApErS!!!!!!!” - half our family/friends reactions when I said we’re doing cloth

    @damon50 I'm waiting for our families to say something similar when we tell them our plans. My mom talks bad about her brother because they did old school cloth diapers with their kids because they were so poor (according to my mom).