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  1. K

    Can you have a strong attachment if you bottle feed? Feeling sad and insecure.

    @mauann I'm glad haha. There's just no other way to describe it haha
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    Can you have a strong attachment if you bottle feed? Feeling sad and insecure.

    @fanatical4christ I had to give up breastfeeding because my baby wasn't gaining enough weight. She's 2.5 now and up my butt all day haha. You absolutely do not have to breastfeed or pump to have a beautiful attachment with your baby. Just be present and let yourself enjoy your kiddo. The...
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    About to miscarry at 7 wks gestational age at home alone with a 2.5 yr old

    @chris_mil I hope it works out for you!! That's tough that she's so inquisitive (wonderful quality! just tough for some situations). I don't think it'd be wrong to answer some of her questions like "mommy's not feeling well/has a bellyache" and "there's some stuff in my belly that needs to come...
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    Tired of “words I can’t pronounce”

    @katrina2017 Right? I have a biochem degree and have a basic understanding of the English language. I can pronounce all of the ingredients in any ingredient list?
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    How do you guys handle night time wake ups with newborn?

    @iamthankful Yeah we did for a little while, then adjusted her to room temp. I'll definitely start with room temp for next babe 😂
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    About to miscarry at 7 wks gestational age at home alone with a 2.5 yr old

    @chris_mil I'm so sorry you're going through this :( If you're already spending time in the bathroom for potty training, can you soak in the bath/shower while kiddo sits on their potty? Can you put them in the tub with bathtub paint or soap bubbles or something (no water) while you sit on the...
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    Pro-Birth v Pro-Life

    @soulsearchingservant Just an FYI on retirement: you are entitled to a "spousal IRA" as long as your partner makes enough to cover both of your contributions. It's a normal IRA, no need for a special account. The yearly contribution limit is only $6k, compared to the much higher limit of 401(k)s...
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    How do you guys handle night time wake ups with newborn?

    @iamthankful My tip is to measure out the water in bottles ahead of time and leave them at room temp in your room or the nursery. Then use pre measured formula from travel containers to mix the bottles upstairs. I never went downstairs for a bottle!
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    How to respond to the F bomb?

    @markinsydney Ignore!!! Absolutely ignore it and be very nonchalant about it. It will lose its excitement
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    Cotton pajamas for 12mo old?

    @stallions I hate slim fit jammies. I can't get my chunky bub in them haha. I like the Target brand (Just One You I think?). No idea if it's 100% cotton or not
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    How do you guys handle night time wake ups with newborn?

    @friardan Yeah my husband is a resident who literally has people's lives in his hands. I've always done the night shift. My job as a SAHM certainly isn't easy, but I do have the ability to have a slower day if I need to. With a newborn, I literally sat on the couch with her all day haha
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    New SAHM: What chores do you daily and weekly?

    @kapere Really highlighting the freezer meals. I had enough for dinners and then leftovers for me for lunch for more than 2 mths. It was amazing. I was absolutely crushing it during the newborn stage haha
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    Keeping house tidy

    @threecrosses Yeah, and doesn't everyone do a "10 second tidy" before people come over? I'll usually clean the downstairs bathroom too if it's been too long haha.
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    New SAHM: What chores do you daily and weekly?

    @cleansoul Adding: join your local Buy Nothing group on Facebook!!! Not only is it a great place to give away items that aren't acceptable to Goodwill, but there's great baby stuff on there as well!
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t sign my girls up for dance classes/extra curricular activities?

    @maintjie I don't necessarily agree with this. I've asked my mom why she never put us in anything when we were kids. She said "well you didn't ask!". But like...I was 5 haha. I didn't know this stuff existed!!! I think I could have benefited from having some athletic experience.
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    Toddler seems acutely upset by getting ‘in trouble’

    @seditthis Not particularly useful haha. We all know the utility of choosing our battles with toddlers. However, there are some things that are non-negotiable. We do not hit the dog, we do not touch the stove, we hold hands in the parking lot.
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    “Rules” for room sharing

    @rustyt Only people with the most extreme PPA would do this. Follow the ABCs of safe sleep (Alone, on their Back, in a Crib (or other safe sleep space)) and they'll be fine.
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t sign my girls up for dance classes/extra curricular activities?

    @cdaysr It's more just overt sexualization of children for me. Super yikes! Plus all the body image issues it brings. 😬 Dance for young toddlers is adorable because none of them perform properly 😂 but past that is so worrisome
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    How to navigate cheating husband as a SAHP?

    @thetwister Definitely don't let him know you know without a full plan in place. If you think you can live peacefully until you have a degree and maybe some savings, go for it! Make sure you are saving every piece of evidence you can and document everything (including ways he's not a good...
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    Toddler seems acutely upset by getting ‘in trouble’

    @christianmiguel She's home with me! That's why it's so weird cause I know she's not hearing it anywhere