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  1. N

    Breast feeding 3rd with 3 u 3

    @lucsch Thank you for sharing, this is helpful 😊
  2. N

    Breast feeding 3rd with 3 u 3

    @lucsch He was born a few weeks early and was a "lazy eater" so nurses had me pump to bring in milk in beginning and he didn't eat as much as I was producing so I kept up with it to prevent over engourgment. But also on top of that the convenience of my husband or someone else being able to feed...
  3. N

    Breast feeding 3rd with 3 u 3

    How the heck? My husband goes back to work in a few weeks - trying to figure out how to breast feed / keep a pumping schedule for my 2 month old with a 3 and 1-1/2 year old.