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  1. J

    TIL It’s ok to have a drink or 2 and breastfeed! No need to pump and dump! 😊

    @moes This just shows how stupid the advice is
  2. J

    TIL It’s ok to have a drink or 2 and breastfeed! No need to pump and dump! 😊

    @moes Two hours isn't a massive amount of time though. Once you're past the early bit, most babies can go two hours without feeding, especially when theyv gone to bed at night, when you'd probably be having that drink.
  3. J

    TIL It’s ok to have a drink or 2 and breastfeed! No need to pump and dump! 😊

    @leostar That's such garbage advice! Even if you were concerned, alcohol levels in breast milk work the same as your blood alcohol level. It goes up AND down. So there is no need to remove the milk. The alcohol leaves the milk of it's own accord at the same rate it leaves your blood. You don't...
  4. J

    I’m so tired but I don’t want to quit

    @evelynssye Where is the baby sleeping? Right next to you or in your room? Are you having to get out of bed?
  5. J

    Anyone turn FF earlier than they hoped due to motion sickness?

    @mobai Oh I totally agree. They only even said ff once so it's not as if it was a phrase they were repeating over and over. Stupid.
  6. J

    Anyone turn FF earlier than they hoped due to motion sickness?

    @lightnow23 I 100% thought they meant formula fed. What is the actual point making Front facing an acronym?!