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  1. N

    Guys my mother is possibly the worst person in my life

    @mrlutrinae Oh my dads like that, my sisters with the douchiest verbally maybe physically abusive guy And they applaud him and have all the time in the world for their kids. Me I should just figure it out
  2. N

    Guys my mother is possibly the worst person in my life

    @mrlutrinae Lol it’s not even that far for an Uber it’s a little NJ town not NYC. Today I asked her if her and my dad could take my kids to see my aunt and uncle like 45 mins away cuz I have to get my car worked on on Monday she like laughs and goes “I don’t want that responsibility”
  3. N

    Guys my mother is possibly the worst person in my life

    @abelthecomp Yep sounds like my mom, my mom would be like “I’d love to come over so you could take a shower but then I’d lose my parking spot and have to walk a block or 2 sorry maybe next week”