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  1. R

    Keeping house tidy

    @wh2 So, for starters, the pandemic helped me out here because nobody would just "stop by." So no longer did I feel the houses needed to be in a guest ready state. My kids are 7.5 and 4. The family all agrees that there are certain things that need to be done for the Household. But extra...
  2. R

    Keeping house tidy

    @chrismclure42 I add bathroom to this priority list (kids are out of diapers) but that's once a week. Laundry is just a never ending cycle. On my good days, it's just one load lol
  3. R

    Keeping house tidy

    @wh2 With time, you'll gain perspective. By that I mean your brain will forget how big and often the messes were and just focus on the cute and endearing things. I've forgotten the messes even though my four year old is making one right now... An hour after I cleaned that area of the house...