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  1. B

    Setting up a routine isn’t a priority right now

    @webdeveloper73 4 months and same. And honestly even bedtime is kind of sporadic and depends on how he's doing. He's not much of a napper so I try to put him down if he looks tired but usually he contact naps on me after a feed. I can take him anywhere and he's a pretty good sport about it if I...
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    14 hours in the pediatric ER- the most grateful I’ve ever been for breastfeeding

    @sirsteve Yes, breastfeeding is so challenging in the beginning and you never believe you're going to get to the easy part but when you do, it's so fabulous. On Friday we went to a work event at a brewery and left the diaper bag in the car, went in with nothing but the baby in the baby Bjorn...
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    Hep B vaccine

    @e123 Yeah, if you've tested negative you're probably negative but it's just really not worth the risk if you're not, was my read. Also, that people forget and life gets busy and next thing you know your child is in daycare being bitten by a possibly unvaxxed kid
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    Hep B vaccine

    And I'd assume the reason they don't give pertussis right away is because they encourage Mom's to get TDAP at 27 weeks and that has a pretty good rate (78%) of protecting them until they get vaccinated on their own...
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    Hep B vaccine

    @e123 I was actually just researching this after seeing a ton of people in my WTE bump group saying they were going to decline because they didn't see the point. I think it boils down to the benefits vastly outweighing the risks, which, as a lawyer is generally how I look at things to give legal...