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  1. N

    Take away puppeteering or no?

    @fejesusor Thank you for this post. It’s a comfort and it seems like the only logical direction. I totally agree that when we manufacture consequences to teach a lesson, it’s rarely learned. And, they’re getting too old for that. I’m going to try to breathe in and out, lead by responsible...
  2. N

    Take away puppeteering or no?

    @bobafett1701 Hmm. I’m listening, thank you for your response. If it came across that I’m ashamed of the activity, my apologies. The art is beautiful and I am absolutely not ashamed of the art. I’m proud of my kid’s hard work and love watching. I am annoyed though, that the coaches prioritize...
  3. N

    Take away puppeteering or no?

    My 16 yr old is finishing their junior year in high school. They are involved in a certain performing art that is very niche and specific and it’s become their whole focus. For our purposes here, let’s say it’s puppeteering (it’s not, but it’s equally obscure with no place in modern culture)...