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    Q: What exactly is "putting them to bed"?

    @emma456 Interesting, but any scientific reasoning for that? Seems a bit "trivial?" But out of both, the twin that clears 10 lbs does sleep better for us, so maybe there's some truth to that.
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    Q: What exactly is "putting them to bed"?

    @christtard Tangent: But I've had some tough self assessment/introspective moments to myself, where I've realized that I actually need to cherish this madness. Sure, being a zombie is terrible to deal with, but at the heart of it they're super simple and need you more than ever. Either way...
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    Q: What exactly is "putting them to bed"?

    @christtard Yeah, that's the basis of my original question. I was wondering if we were doing something really weird, or if everybody else's twins were good about this mythical bedtime.
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    Q: What exactly is "putting them to bed"?

    @ruthofzion Where do they stay before that time?
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    Q: What exactly is "putting them to bed"?

    @youu I cannot wait imagine this actually happening. Can someone vouch for whether this is true. I think it is, but some of the books I've read claim that upping their milk qty has no correlation to the length/type of sleep they get. But I'd like to disagree.
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    Q: What exactly is "putting them to bed"?

    @katrina2017 Honestly I (dad) can't complain as I routinely get about 5 hours of sleep, but poor mum can't manage between feeding, pumping, and what not. Eagerly anticipate this day, but as of today there will be times when one of them goes 5 hours without eating but one of my girls is a big...
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    Q: What exactly is "putting them to bed"?

    @angie28 Thank you so much for the link and the encouragement. Fingers crossed.
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    Q: What exactly is "putting them to bed"?

    Hello fellow parents of multiples. Seems like a dumb question but I can’t seem to figure it out. My mo/di girls are 8 weeks old and we’ve lately been struggling to find a schedule that gives anybody (specially mom) more than 4 hours of sleep. I’ve scoured through this subreddit and something...