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  1. T

    What’s going on in there?🥺

    @michael2002pmc Sounds like baby moving! I’ve always found it to be uncomfortable but it generally means things are going good. Congrats ❤️
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    Taking a Poll

    @g19shooter When my kid was 2 weeks old I accidentally clipped a small chunk of finger off while trying to clip her nails bc she jerked into the trimmers… still haven’t gotten over that scream. Accidentally bopped her head on the banister of the hallway a couple times. She never reacted to it...
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    Disappointed that I couldn’t handle the pain of giving birth unmedicated

    @voice_itw It’s fine that you got it. I got it too when I originally didn’t want it, had my baby in December. Would you judge me for getting it?Probably not. So you definitely shouldn’t judge yourself. You didn’t let yourself down. Epidurals exist to make our lives easier. If that’s the right...
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    I don’t get why people want more than one

    @siriusp23 No same!! I got hungry-nauseous the other day and went omg that hasn’t happened since I was pregnant I should test! Surprise surprise it came out negative 😆
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    I don’t get why people want more than one

    @2ndlight Same. No judgment but I just turned 21 and have a 4 month old daughter. I know plenty of people my age who have multiple kids, my ex-boyfriend who is twenty has TRIPLETS on the way (thankfully his first children). Again, no judgment; I just have no idea how they can do it while...
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    At what age did you allow others to kiss your baby?

    @viri Yeah it’s bizarre to me lol. Can’t believe I got downvoted for that but I stand by it 😂 if a kid wants a kiss and asks for it when they’re older that’s one thing but I don’t get the kissing babies and I never will.
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    At what age did you allow others to kiss your baby?

    @kurbatskiy WHAT. Those are nuts. I get that may have been the norm when they had babies, not really sure, but that’s actually insane lol. I can’t imagine giving a newborn tv instead of comfort. I get plopping a kid in front of it for a few minutes to get some things done I.e someone using...
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    At what age did you allow others to kiss your baby?

    @kurbatskiy I’m so happy that’s been your experience. I had the conversation with my parents before baby was born because they both also have herpes simplex 1 and my mom literally laughed in my face. My baby was born in December and before I could gauge if I could trust them to listen or not I...
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    At what age did you allow others to kiss your baby?

    @viri Absolutely never. It’s weird and I think you should uphold the boundary. I mean seriously? Why do they need to kiss your baby? They can come see her, hold her, talk to her, play with her. That should be more than enough to bond with her and whether they realize it or not they’re probably...
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    How long are your 2-3 month olds sleeping at night?

    @saphlin Mine is 11 weeks. Got blessed and she started sleeping 6-8 hours on her own at 5 weeks, recently she’s started going for 8-12 hour overnight stretches. As long as she’s freshly fed, she’ll just go in the crib and sleep by herself after a bit without too much fuss. Maybe once or twice a...