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  1. L

    Prepare me for the family battle...!

    @beverend I found one thing that really helped was having a SUPER CUTE modern diaper, so they can see, touch, and feel how much better they are. Other than that, just stick to your guns. "It's something we're interested in, and are going to try." "We are interested in both the environmental and...
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    Newborn Size Clothes are a Scam and Other Thoughts

    @jerryklasic I disagree with the no newborn clothes rule, let me explain why. I had heard this advice, and after being told that I was having a big baby, barely had any. She was a decent sized baby, 8lbs 4oz, but she was swimming in the 0-3 stuff. I had a hard birth so we made do, but she would...
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    Birth story: unplanned c-section. Help me understand what happened. (TW: birth trauma)

    @boby777 YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE. You did NOTHING wrong, this is not your fault AT ALL. Some women push babies out in a couple minutes, the fact you made ZERO progress in TWO HOURS shows that this was NOT a failure or lack of strength on your part. You did NOTHING wrong. You actually did...
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    JuSt yOu WaIt TiL tHe BaBy CoMeS..

    @lilithdom WOW you got some doozies! I got 1 & 2, and a LOT of toddler horror stores ("OH you think babies are hard, just wait until they are toddlers/teenagers/ect.") But when I got warned about 4 & 5, it was more warnings and heads up, than the chuckling "ohhh just you wait, you're going to be...
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    3 weeks solo with toddler. Ways to ease the load?

    @joshanna Plan bath time for when you have help. You don't want to injure yourself trying to lift her out of the bath, since that would make the rest of the solo time that much harder. (And even hire someone if you can swing it financially!) At this stage, my kids didn't get baths every night...
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    Newborn Size Clothes are a Scam and Other Thoughts

    @diaryofasuperchamp Agreed, my toddler wears out clothes before she outgrows them, and her brother is catching up to her in size (she's small/average size, he's big, it's funny). So after 18 months sized clothes, I pick just random stuff.
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    Newborn Size Clothes are a Scam and Other Thoughts

    @jerryklasic Haha this reminds me about how my mom would laugh at me when I talked about how I didn't get my baby dressed. Now that I'm on my second kid, he spent nearly his whole life so far (11 months) wearing sleepers. Didn't matter where we went, just so much easier, and he's a baby! Now...
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    Sick of everyone trying to buy baby shoes

    @marystokesq I find the best thing to do with people like this is to do the "well ACTUALLY, it's NOT recommended for them to wear shoes inside, it's BETTER for foot development. I can send you some articles if you'd like." I find that shuts it down REAL quick. Also as a Canadian, I find the...