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  1. D

    Anybody else feel like a bit of a failure?

    @ladyknox I could have written your post, it’s so hard and I know exactly what you mean. I’m frequently telling my husband i feel like a failure as a mom and that im not cut out for it. The feeling is made worse by seeing other people happily have 2 or more kids. It’s hard.
  2. D

    2 month old won’t nap during day

    @themadbaron That’s normal, doesn’t make it any easier but he’ll learn to nap. I put my son on a schedule pretty early on and while he didn’t sleep “well” until he was 9months it paid off majorly in the end, for naps and bedtime.
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    Gun violence

    @j90 That makes sense, when you grow up hearing one thing it's bound to shape your decisions and feelings. If you want more, go for it, but IMO (without actually knowing you or anything haha) I'd say have one if you want one not because of fear. But if you'd be happier with another, go for it...
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    Gun violence

    @j90 My neighbor is planning on having three kids because of this, her reasoning is if she has three and one dies then the other two will still have each other. In my opinion nothing would soften the blow of losing a child, you can have one or ten but if one is taken from you it's going to be...