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  1. C

    Should I switch my 5 year olds pre k from play based to structured?

    @katrina2017 Your completely right I’m taking his choice into consideration but I want to do what I know is best for him. If only I could take him there for a week it would make this decision so much easier ugh being a mom is tough! Thanks for your advice i really appreciate it. I have a lot to...
  2. C

    Should I switch my 5 year olds pre k from play based to structured?

    @katrina2017 Yes he will be going to kindergarten in august. I keep going back and forth on it because the school he’s in has a great teacher and is pretty laid back but the new school I think he would learn a lot more then he has. I just wish he could explain to me why he wants to switch so...
  3. C

    Should I switch my 5 year olds pre k from play based to structured?

    @spacecadet3767 I like his school I just don’t see much of a change in how much he’s learned since he started and I also don’t see the teacher do much with the kids besides circle time for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the afternoon. I’m just torn between not knowing which one he’d...
  4. C

    Should I switch my 5 year olds pre k from play based to structured?

    @russianpotatoes Thanks so much! I’m excited to see how this goes. I’ll update on this thread (if I’m allowed) in maybe 2 weeks once he’s been there for a week or so.
  5. C

    Should I switch my 5 year olds pre k from play based to structured?

    @russianpotatoes I actually spoke to his school today and told them he’s changing schools and they were very understanding. I do believe if he absolutely does not like it I’m sure I could always come back as long as they have a spot open for him but I have faith this is going to work out well...
  6. C

    Should I switch my 5 year olds pre k from play based to structured?

    @russianpotatoes Right I’m just stuck and it’s in my head constantly because I’m overthinking it all. My biggest concern is I want him to learn more because he does play more then anything and doesn’t get much time with his teacher but the time he does get is beneficial. I would love not driving...
  7. C

    Should I switch my 5 year olds pre k from play based to structured?

    Option 1: His current school I absolutely love his teacher because she understands he moves around a lot and does not make him feel like it’s a bad thing because she knows he can’t control it. It is a 15 min drive there and 15 minutes back in a different direction then my other child’s school...