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    Can someone give me information on parental ABO blood types and the different possible outcomes?

    @niansboog If a parent is mosaic and has O in their bone marrow but B in their gonads then that would do it? I don’t know the specific genes or chromosome locus for blood type, but genes do weird things
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    Tips for preparing our 3.5 y/o for new baby?

    I agree with someone else about not having the baby in your arms when the siblings meet. We also got a present from our oldest to the baby (that she chose at the shop, and we kept talking about giving to baby), and “baby” bought her something too
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    Tips for preparing our 3.5 y/o for new baby?

    @glowfood Just a quick comment - I had a caesarean first time around, so I prepared my daughter on third trimester that sometimes I just couldn’t carry her. I stopped carrying her on the stairs, or longer trips. I didn’t blame the baby, just that I couldn’t, or it was sore, or I wasn’t able to...
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    C-Section Babies and Probiotics. What’s the science?

    This is a better page, with relevant studies linked! This article from 2018 is particularly interesting
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    Mastitis - both sides

    @qmedic Regarding your second question, about probiotics, the answer is almost certainly “yes, probiotics will help”. The problem is that we don’t yet know which probiotics, in which doses, for which condition (or after which antibiotics) and for which age group. And not all have been proven...
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    C-Section Babies and Probiotics. What’s the science?

    @lolad I keep looking sporadically as I’ve had two C section babies - one emergency, one elective. The crux of it is: “ There has not yet been sufficient research to tell us which...
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    My 9-month old hates solids, help!
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    My 9-month old hates solids, help!

    @cns Half a small bowl, and half a slice of bread sounds fine! The saying “food before one is just for fun” isn’t correct, but it is right that the main source of nutrition before 1 year is from milk. If she’s getting formula, you don’t even have to worry about iron. Very few solids are more...
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    My 9-month old hates solids, help!

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    Toddler , Help!

    @larryb500 Has he always been this way, or did something trigger it? Does he have any other particular sensory needs? What are his “safe” foods? Will he have any mixed foods? Like a smoothie, or cake made with courgette or other fruits/veges hidden? I was talking with one of my mum friends the...