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  1. D

    Anyone else following the Possums sleep approach?

    @sirrob Hey! Thanks so much!
  2. D

    Anyone else following the Possums sleep approach?

    @crismate88 I follow wake times and sleep cues, but we still struggle most days. Heaven forbid a poop is on the way, or she will not fall asleep until after it happens. She has cut 6 teeth since mid-June, so maybe that has something to do with it too? I think she is consolidating naps to 2 a day...
  3. D

    Anyone else following the Possums sleep approach?

    @craftygirl Ditto! I want to know what it is. My older relatives all say they just let their baby sleep when they fell asleep on their own wherever and it blows my mind. Is it like that? Are we all being sold $$$ on the concept that our babies are bad sleepers because they don't adhere to these...