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  1. J

    Conscription in Wartime & S-A-H-Parenting (aka SAHD =/= SAHM)

    @mandy123 You’re discounting technology from the SAHP realm because it doesn’t fit your narrative. Breast pumps, food preservation advances, formula… these are huge advances that allow men to fulfill the role of SAHP for newborns. Those are the pull factors. You don’t need the strength to lift...
  2. J

    Conscription in Wartime & S-A-H-Parenting (aka SAHD =/= SAHM)

    @mandy123 I don’t think being a SAHP maps onto serving in the military (or the reverse). Since this is a parenting subreddit, I don’t really feel like delving into thoughts on the military beyond that.
  3. J

    Conscription in Wartime & S-A-H-Parenting (aka SAHD =/= SAHM)

    @mandy123 To be frank, I think this is an incredibly dumb analogy. I don’t think being an at-home parent holds the same kind of risks and sacrifice that being in the military does. For that reason, I don’t think it warrants the kind of respect given to military members for their service. While...