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  1. K

    Older siblings of Reddit - what was / is it like for you to have a younger sibling?

    @ericak101 My little brother is over 7 years younger. We have an amazing relationship now, but my parents and grandparents clearly had a favorite. Just don’t do that.
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    How much time do new moms spend with babies?

    @kevinmh12 I’m a crazy feminist - I think you are absolutely blowing this out of proportion. It would be sexist to think that women don’t need help during pregnancy and after birth - it’s a major medical issue. Even if the baby was up for adoption, the birth parent needs support in that...
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    Actual baby essentials?

    @bbfantastic Get most of the stuff off of market place or a consignment shop :) I also found kimono style onesies and nightgowns were absolutely brilliant, and those Finnish baby boxes had clothes that actually grow with the baby, so you need about half of what you’d normally buy, and it’s all...
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    Bringing a child into this world concerns

    @faithit66 If the human race were to suddenly blip off the face of the earth, the issues we created would still be in motion (mass extinction, etc). I’m raising helpers. Our family is net negative, and I always wanted to be a parent. We do what we can. I feel bad that this is what they’re...
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    I'm not hoarding!!

    @nucc Here is the cheapest with the blow drier - $300 Canadian so probably cheaper in the US.
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    I'm not hoarding!!

    @luke Get a bidet attachment for your toilets!!! Seriously - they have been a game changer. Spring for one that has a blow drier. I’m in Canada, and the hot water blow dry one is about $300, but it is so much cleaner as a woman. So much. Like night and day And they sell them at Costco
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    If your child saw a demon or h go dot would you believe them?

    @owly My friend saw a demon as a kid outside her window a whole bunch. She told her mom, and when they checked they found footprints outside her window. They never told her, she stopped seeing it, and the police got involved. She found out in her teens what happened, but she did get a better...
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    Daughter coming home after TBI Wednesday, I’m terrified and full of fear even after trying to be grateful and hopeful. My heart aches

    @tim_goodnews There is always hope, and kids… they’re always there to surprise us. I’ll tell you one way his brain was a bit spicy - he once was trying to throw something into our recycling and kept putting it in the garbage. He’d pick it up and try again. It took me moving his hand over to...
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    Daughter coming home after TBI Wednesday, I’m terrified and full of fear even after trying to be grateful and hopeful. My heart aches

    @tim_goodnews As far as brain injuries go, kids are so freaking amazing about healing. I have a friend who as a baby had a MASSIVE brain injury. The doctor told his mom he would never walk, talk, etc. He used to sing everything. He just randomly started talking at 4 and didn’t just walk...
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    when did you have your first?

    @guitarofgod We started trying at 22, but after 9 years we finally had our first. Not as many as we wanted, but still enough. Maybe one more, but no more pregnancies for me :)
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    I’m out of ideas

    @katrina2017 My aunt has kids 9 months apart - it happens (premie, pregnant almost immediately postpartum). It could be that one is basically 11 months and the other is 20, the third is 33 months.
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    Sudden change of heart

    @katharina800 Im 7 years older than my brother, and I absolutely love him. He was my baby as a baby, I changed his diapers, but as we got older he’s still my little man, even though he’s 30.
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    Found out I’m pregnant again

    @cesar07 My last two are 19 months apart. Honestly, they’re so much fun. It’s adorable to watch them together. They improve each other, and are companions. A lot of my aunts either had twins or Irish twins, and it’s the same. The biggest money issues would be childcare, because the clothes...
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    What would you have done?

    @ajewelinhiscrown Safety trumps anything. I have the hierarchy of demands, safety is at the top, followed by needs, then by wants. I tell my kids this as well. It’s how I triage. I would have done nothing differently in your situation :)