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  1. P

    My husband offered me an out yesterday

    @pkhaney If he's saying you're unhappy but you're not, my guess is that it means he's unhappy and is having trouble confronting what that means and how to deal with it. My ex-husband did that in the lead up to our divorce. He'd bring up how he "made me miserable" or we "made each other...
  2. P

    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    @christfollower1993 I was just looking for that sub and wondered what happened...
  3. P

    Tired of “words I can’t pronounce”

    @goldandsilver Oh man, my ex-MIL (who I struggled.with sometimes but wouldn't have minded keeping if it hadn't been a package deal with my ex) called it "Chih - pot - uhl." The poor lady had been taught to sight read as a child and not exposed to phonics until she was training to be a teacher...
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    I’m sick and tired of being told “JuSt GEt up BeForE tHe KiDs”

    @dmurrayfly Solidarity. My little guy is 2.5yo and I'm still only averaging maybe 5 hours of sleep a night, often broken in half. Get up a single minute earlier than I have to? F all the way off with that. It's not just bad impossible to implement advice, it's also unhealthy to get any less...
  5. P

    Philips Avent Bottle Warmer - SO FRUSTRATED!!

    @michaelmutseyekwa I do the same, but using hot water from my sink. Works like a charm. I can't imagine giving up counter space in my little kitchen or anywhere else to replicate what I can do with a mug and tap water!
  6. P

    Guys my mother is possibly the worst person in my life

    @blessedhope0318 lol, my mother would post "woe is me" messages/pictures and then call to ask if I had seen it. I always just said no. She asked if I would go look at it and I'd say no, I wasn't very active on social media and I was *sure *if there was anything she wanted me to see or know she...