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  1. D

    Why is it so hard to make mom friends??

    @bencramsie My daughter is 5 and, honestly, I have one almost-friend from her dance class. But that’s bc our kids have danced together for 2.5 years. Will we see each other if either stops dancing? No. Will I see my running friends who I run with weekly and travel with and have brunch with...
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    Why is it so hard to make mom friends??

    @elzappozah Honestly- what are YOU into? I have friends who are parents with similar age kids, but we met through OUR hobby and now our kids play together so we can hang. I’m not, personally, into having friends who are only my friend because we have kids the same age. 🤷‍♀️
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    How much are y'all paying for babysitters/daycare per week ?

    @987abc 5 year old in private preschool 4 days a week from 7:30-4 is $266 per week. If we hire a babysitter for date night it’s $26 per hour. We have a camera in the living room and our daughter’s bedroom but we had the living room one before we had a kid and it’s for safety, not watching a...
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    Preschool Problem -- Is it worth it?

    @ballofconfusion Stay put till you can do the full day, not-$2k-preschool. If you wanted her in a new environment with new kids and doing rule-following-stuff, use $100 a month you’re saving from that $2k preschool for dance or gymnastics or karate or something.
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    Who here has a mediocre relationship with their sibling(s)?

    @ernesjohnson My husband has 3 brothers. They are all so very different to him and parent so differently than we do that I actually can’t remember when we last saw them intentionally. They’re not people he’d be friends with if he met them fresh, so they’re not in our lives. (I actively dislike...
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    How early do you start your day

    @msaved56 I’m not a morning person and my husband is out of the house at 6am so I don’t even pretend that I’ll get up early to work out or whatever. I do wake up about 30-45 minutes before my daughter to get myself dressed and any last lunch prep. I take my self care time in the evening...
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    OAD decision timeline

    @renette I knew I was OAD as soon as I got pregnant lol. I had my daughter at 33, hated being pregnant, financially we can’t afford a second until this kid is out of all extra daycare…. I talked about birth control with my OB at my 20ish week appointment because 1) I didn’t want more kids and...
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    Do people with kids work *harder*?

    @whitm11 I do just enough work to meet my goals within my work hours. I’m not crushing myself for a company who DGAF about me
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    OAD by choice - when did you/your S.O. get a vasectomy?

    @amaui It really sucks so hard. I got my period when I was 10 and spent those first 7 years absolutely miserable, physically and mentally. Going off the pill to get pregnant was the same. Bodies are so wild and I hope you find what works for yours!!
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    OAD by choice - when did you/your S.O. get a vasectomy?

    @amaui I’ve been on the pill since I was 17 for it and probably should have been on it earlier. I’m 38 now. Keeping my hormones stable and steady keeps my symptoms at bay. I’m on a combo pill and do usually allow my placebo week, which means I get a tiny bit emotional and have a little bit of...
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    OAD by choice - when did you/your S.O. get a vasectomy?

    @jenny777 My husband dragged his feet a bit but had the process started (referrals and such) when my LO was 3.5. He had the procedure scheduled and everything. Then I changed jobs and insurance just before he was supposed to go (LO was 4). Getting established with the new practice and referrals...