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  1. M

    Guidance for limits in roaming privileges for a ten year old? Does my break-down of limits align with development?

    @ion2557 I also want to say you’re not an overbearing helicopter mom. Guess it depends where you live, but my best friend’s little brother was murdered (shot), my own little sister was brutally beaten near to death and robbed while walking home (2 towns over though), and two pre teens in my home...
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    Am I overreacting to my non-mom friends saying “just pump!” ?

    @xjosa Yeah you’re right her dog definitely trumps another person’s newborn baby lmao. Edit: this definitely is trumping because she invited everyone to her house to hang out. Friend #2 should’ve just said she can’t go instead of re-inviting everyone to her house because now OP is going to not...
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    Am I overreacting to my non-mom friends saying “just pump!” ?

    @xjosa They don’t know anyone? I have like 10 friends who could let a dog into a yard and no one who can pump milk for a baby.
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    Am I overreacting to my non-mom friends saying “just pump!” ?

    @katrina2017 Can’t friend #1 have someone else let out her dog? it’s easier to get someone to let out your dog then be separated from your baby all day. But yes I agree that I’d just meet them there if friend #1 can’t figure that out.
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    Are obnoxious colourful plastic toys really that bad?

    @sunshine77 The chemicals actually do you cause endocrine problems. I don’t think they’ve studied toys in particular but they have definitely studied the chemicals that are in the toys.
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    How Inuit Parents Teach Kids To Control Their Anger

    @raphael1090 Yes I think we can adopt some story telling but there’s no way I’m telling my American child that there’s a monster in the sea...