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  1. I

    I “make too much” to qualify for state assistance but too poor to afford food/bills?

    @johnd1987 I’m in a different state so check with your local women’s shelter to confirm but as far as I’m aware child support and custody or two completely separate issues in the eyes of the court. It’s all about the best interests of the child. My ex came out of hiding to demand his money’s...
  2. I

    The world is not made for single parents

    @jebusofdenmark Can you take a longer lunch and then work later?
  3. I

    Everyone blames my daughter’s behavior on extended breastfeeding and I’m f*ing sick of it

    @arrowzahns There is a great searies of books by Louis Bates Ames called “Your two year old” “your three year old” etc. (I just bought the last one “your 10-14 year old” and I’m so sad!) whenever I start thinking something is wrong or too difficult or what is up with this behavior I turn to...
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    Everyone blames my daughter’s behavior on extended breastfeeding and I’m f*ing sick of it

    @arrowzahns The lack of intimacy is no one’s fault but his own. And he is shooting him self by undermining you and being an ass. Like you said, hard to be interested after getting yelled at. Resentment is a mood killer.