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  1. Z

    Triple feeding to EFF: I need help, both strategies and emotionally…

    @orthoserf Thank you so much for your pep talk!!! I was always so indifferent about it prep-baby and now I’m just emotionally dragging us through crap! You’re so right. I’ll have to keep looking back and this and the other comments as I stay the course.
  2. Z

    Triple feeding to EFF: I need help, both strategies and emotionally…

    @katrina2017 It really is that mom guilt isn’t it? I should have called a lactation consultant earlier, pushed harder on the weight gain worry when no one listened, inside of supplementing trying power pumping at 6 weeks, etc etc etc… I wish I didn’t feel so guilty for not fixing it sooner or...
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    Triple feeding to EFF: I need help, both strategies and emotionally…

    @android17ak47 Wow! I was hoping for some kind of balance but I don’t know if it will happen… last time around combo feeding was affected by the tongue tie so maybe the transition will be easier. I’ll have to see where it goes but part of me wants my body back altogether. But they say milk is...
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    Triple feeding to EFF: I need help, both strategies and emotionally…

    @folkie Maybe I can get her on cold ones over time, make my life so much easier. Just another thing I regret not doing when I started bottles, gah!
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    Triple feeding to EFF: I need help, both strategies and emotionally…

    @zackoftheshire To say it’s not the journey I hoped for or expected is an understatement. I’m so happy your LO is gaining well and so healthy! I’m excited for that to be my LO too. I just hope my emotionally lizard brain will believe it too and let me stop subjecting myself to the pumping and...
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    Triple feeding to EFF: I need help, both strategies and emotionally…

    @zackoftheshire Thanks so much for sharing your story and your feelings about it all.
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    Triple feeding to EFF: I need help, both strategies and emotionally…

    @eerffy Thanks so much for all this :)
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    Triple feeding to EFF: I need help, both strategies and emotionally…

    @eerffy Thanks for this! I’m scared of the hormones but I guess they are already bad enough plus the mom guilt eh? So I pump now maybe 3-4/day and bf as often as possible. One after morning feed (I dropped it today), bf after very nap because LO is calm and likes it then, and pump when she’s...
  9. Z

    Triple feeding to EFF: I need help, both strategies and emotionally…

    @sandi217 Wowwwww!!! I think that’s my first step - stop pumping, stop caring. See what happens and then I’ll go from there. Before I power pumped though LO would get SO MAD at my breast for not being bottle speed but maybe now it’ll be smoother? Or through her anger LO will wean herself into...
  10. Z

    Triple feeding to EFF: I need help, both strategies and emotionally…

    @omega52 Hot dang mama, that’s impressive!!! I cannot imagine how without a hands free pump! I really hope it works out for you… I just don’t think I can do it at this point. I bf morning and naps with a small bottle heated sometimes before/sometimes an hour later, and habe husband help at...
  11. Z

    Triple feeding to EFF: I need help, both strategies and emotionally…

    @mewmew Thank you!!! I tried most of that too. It’s not worth it, is it? I was combo feeding for sex weeks, the n saw a lactation consultant and had the tongue tie done. Then power pumping and I’ve been triple feeding for two weeks now… glad to know I’m making a good decision. I’ve really...
  12. Z

    Triple feeding to EFF: I need help, both strategies and emotionally…

    @failure2020 I didn’t realize triple feeding would be THIS BAD. Or that it’s not a longer term solution. I boosted my supply a little but not enough… I think I’ll stop pumping over the next week and start limiting my bf sessions as best I can without pain. I can’t explain it, I really do...
  13. Z

    Triple feeding to EFF: I need help, both strategies and emotionally…

    @christina89 Thank you!! So rather than forcing it I could just drop feeds and pumps and since I’m low supply anyway it’ll just dwindle away?
  14. Z

    Triple feeding to EFF: I need help, both strategies and emotionally…

    @cassmith Gah thank you!!! I’m so hesitant to commit and I’m glad to hear it really helps. Maybe it’s just in my head that I’m bonded with her over breastfeeding? Or I’m taking the rejections personally. I’m so glad you did what’s good for you! And that it actually helped your relationship.
  15. Z

    Triple feeding to EFF: I need help, both strategies and emotionally…

    Hello everyone! I’m bawling my eyes out right now in a contact nap while I debate dropping breastfeeding and breastmilk altogether. I hope this is the right place for this post. I need help. Almost four months old now. LO dropped from 50th percentile in weight to 19th at six week checkup...