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    Got an 'answer' for my "next level" velcro baby. I was too stressed while pregnant.

    @nazpastor I was extremely stressed during my second pregnancy (wrote and defended by PhD in the first trimester, graduated in the second trimester). That was the chillest baby ever. She’s still pretty chill and very high sleep needs at 2.5 years old.
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    Would Working Moms Prefer a Hybrid Model of Remote and In-Office?

    @rachele14 My job has always been flexible in terms of being able to control my hours and WFH when I want to, but I do really like that meetings are online now and no one expects to see me in person. I love being able to do mindless house tasks while listening to seminars or meetings.
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    MIL wants Medical Authorization Form for 13 m.o

    @anadascal No one even checks that I'm the mom when I take my kid to the doctor. It's bizarre that she anticipates any reason for this form.