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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @teresa3231 100%! We only got greenlight to do this because our LO is a good weight, otherwise probably not great for the baby until they are solid on weight 🙏
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @mike214 @mike214 hi! We did not consult with an LC (Probably should tbh)... But this schedule seemed to work with him? I totally know what you mean though... not deny boob. I should clarify - I did feed him a little if he was raging angry hungry between the schedule (I'll clarify in my post...
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @teresa3231 @teresa3231 to be honest I am not sure? I just found this schedule online and slightly adapted it to what I wanted our schedule to be. That's really interesting that your baby did better with Wake Eat Play before bed. Sometimes if he doesn't eat as much as I think he should at night...
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @godjesusandchocolate That's awesome :) Great job mama!!!
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @godjesusandchocolate What if you try to decrease the minutes of nursing every night? Since the goal is to get her to want to consume more calories in the day time. This way she is getting her fix at night, but slowly (without her noticing 1 less minute of nursing every time) she is getting more...
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @godjesusandchocolate Just saw that your daughter is under 4 months! she probably still needs the night feeds :P My baby couldn't drop them until 5 months, so might need to keep doing a middle of the night feed until baby is ready.
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @godjesusandchocolate @godjesusandchocolate curious - did you try it and did it work for you?
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @minh0256 haha... that's a good question. I started working full time and my pedi told me he doesn't need to eat at night anymore since he hit the min. weight. We decided to try and sleep train for 2 reasons 1) he didn't know how to sleep independently... those 7/8 hours a night were from us...
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @maggie1909 Hi! I should probably revise my post above (will do it after this). So for the most part, if he is SUPER hungry, I will feed him a little to take the edge off but give him the full meal at the scheduled time. I don't want to starve him or make him mad. But let's say if the next meal...
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @beechcott I think it depends on weight right? Our baby is pretty heavy so he was okay to sleep train.
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @svjoyner Good luck!!! You got this 💪💪
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @svjoyner @svjoyner I totally relate! I was thinking the same thing with the dream feeds haha.. because at the time, he was waking me up to nurse (I would feed him and then have to wake up every 1-2 hours to keep doing it!). I used this method during sleep training: Set alarm to feed baby...
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @dtom That is rough :/ do u think it’s an age thing? I read that younger babies sometimes have later bedtimes but it starts adjusting when they get older. My LO used to do a 9pm bedtime but now it’s gradually moved to 7/730
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @dtom When he wakes does he want to eat? Or he just wakes to play or does he cry?
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @dtom What if you try waking him 15 min earlier every day? (Vs you letting him wake, instead you decide when he wakes)… and then shift his sleep time up 15 min as well. When J had his crazy days I let him sleep in until 8/830 because i was so exhausted that I didn’t want to get up. As a result…...
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @compassionateone Thanks! Doesn’t work for everyone but hope maybe it can for you, good luck!!
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @amysmith0515 That sounds so rough. Don’t give up hope! (Or channel it into motivation to do this 💪) I was in your boat multiple times (each leading to another attempt at sleep training) and didn’t get it until now 🤣
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @amysmith0515 Hey there! For nap times we are generally more flexible. He never sleeps exactly one hour haha.. he sleeps anywhere from 40-90 minutes (but don’t let him sleep more than 90 minute naps). I only feed when it’s time… even when he wakes up early. Then we just do tummy time and play...
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @amysmith0515 Tbh I don’t know… that’s the schedule I guess? I did read somewhere that if babies wake and immediately demand to be fed that could be a habit or something. I am not sure, but this seems to work okay for us. One thing is that in the morning, since I am the one going into his room...
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @dtom Hahaa my baby too! Any noise distracts him so I feed him in a quiet room with the door closed. Sometimes I let him hold a toy so he doesn’t turn his head to look around the room when he gets bored of eating :P