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    Is it sensible going back to part time work 2 weeks after a C-Section

    @starlight30 Are you having a c section? I wasn’t even out of the hospital 3 days post c section- my oldest was born just after midnight on a Monday, we went home Wednesday just before dinner. My youngest was born at 8ish on a Tuesday and we didn’t go home until Saturday afternoon.
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    gestational diabetes while low carb--Is the test wrong if I don't carb-load for days before?

    @cgi2099 In my province in canada we do the one hour test first too. If anything it’s cheaper to just do the 2 hr because it’s diagnostic so you only need to do it once while the 1 hr is a screening, and if you fail you need to do a 3 hr test.
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    What’s the best option for baby wearing after a c-section?

    @snoweh I always use a stretchy wrap with my newborns. It just seems snugglier lol.
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    My husband offered me an out yesterday

    @pkhaney My dad (not a cop just to be clear) did afternoons most of my childhood and it was fine. He worked 2pm-10pm. Much better for us than when he worked graveyards (10pm-6am). It’s easier to cope on the weekends too.