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  1. M

    Anyone with postpartum preeclampsia or preeclampsia have low milk supply?

    @torros48 Thanks for your response... how did you get your supply up to a normal level? Are you able to ebf directly at breast now? Yea my supply came in about 3-4 days pp, and it was probably because i religiously pumped. I still have been religiously pumping, but i definitely think this...
  2. M

    Anyone with postpartum preeclampsia or preeclampsia have low milk supply?

    I ended up getting postpartum preeclampsia. Baby was born 6 weeks ago. I have been really struggling with my supply since day 1, no matter how often i pump (8-10x a day 25-30 mins each), i just cant get my supply up! I average about 40 ml per session, but sometimes it goes as high as 120 ml...