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  1. M

    Sibling Rivalry (ages 6 and 4)

    @italyfreak What kinds of consequences does C face for her behavior?
  2. M

    Stay at home mother entitlement

    @wasblindbutnowisee Oof. My dude. I tried to overlook your very judgmental title, referring to your partner as entitled and being sure you lead with her not having a job. She cares for your children, full time, with no breaks or help. She takes care of almost literally everything to take care of...
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    Stay at home mother entitlement

    @wasblindbutnowisee What do you currently do around the house?
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    Stay at home mother entitlement

    @wasblindbutnowisee Supporting your partner is part of the deal. There are many ways you can do that. It kind of sounds like you have tried none. If you're honestly what happens when you get tired, the answer is, your partner steps in to support you. And/or you try something else to rest and...
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    Stay at home mother entitlement

    @wasblindbutnowisee ...What? Is this a serious question?
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    Don’t know what to do

    @mool First, take a breath. There's nothing like having a kid with sleep issues to make you understand why sleep deprivation is a form of torture. It's absolutely awful, and I'm sorry that you're dealing with it. It's hard to know where to start with advice here. I can only assume you've done a...
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    3yo won’t go to sleep alone in his own bed

    @momof4 Ours had something like this. He insists he doesn't like to be alone. Usually I'd sit with him for a bit and remind him that he's never alone, we're always close by, and he's got lots of stuffed animals he can hug. We also allowed him to look at books as much as he wants in order to...